Impact of achievement motive on physical effort

Volunteers needed for a study on the impact of achievement motive on physical effort in a hand grip task.

We are looking for adult volunteers to examine how achievement motive - the motivation to achieve excellence and accomplishment - and task difficulty affect the effort that individuals invest in a physical handgrip task. 

You can participate if you are at least 18 years old and if you can exert force with your hands.

You would be invited to come to room 2.14 in Tom Reilly Building, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 A3F, for one study session. The session would take about 25 minutes of your time. You would be asked to complete an achievement motive questionnaire and to perform a hand grip task.

If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Jody Squirrell by email ( with reference to MoEffHG4.

Please note
There is no obligation to take part.
You will be compensated for your time with a £5 Amazon voucher.

Research Ethics Committee Reference Number: 21/PSY/032
Principal Investigator: Dr Michael Richter (Member of LJMU staff)
LJMU Email address:
LJMU School/Faculty: School of Psychology, Faculty of Health
LJMU Central telephone number: 0151 231 2121