An investigation of social and psychological factors which regulate physiological responses to threat

We are looking for volunteers, aged 18-50, to take part in a laboratory study. You would be invited to come to the psychology laboratories at Liverpool John Moores University in the company of a close friend, romantic partner or relative with you. You must have known this person for at least six months and feel comfortable holding their hand during the experiment.

Two sensors will be attached just below your right and left collar bone to measure your heart rate, with a third sensor attached to your ankle as a baseline. Sensors to measure skin conductance will be attached to your left index and middle fingers. All the sensors are sticky pads, filled with a water-based conductive gel, and they are comfortable to wear. The skin conductance sensors are small metal pads. You will sit in front of a computer on which the threat task will be presented. You will have an opportunity to experience the electrical stimulus before the task begins.

Once the threat task is completed, you will be asked to complete some questionnaires that will ask you about your early childhood experiences (childhood trauma and attachment) and perceived social support.

If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Shaunna Devine ( There is no obligation to take part.

Thank you!

  • Research Ethics Committee Reference Number: 23/PSY/052
  • Principal Investigator: Shaunna Lydia Devine (LJMU postgraduate research student)
  • LJMU Email address:
  • LJMU School/Faculty: Psychology
  • LJMU Central telephone number: 0151 231 2121