LJMU Brand Personality and You

Are you an undergraduate student at LJMU? If so, would you like to take part in our study by completing a short survey?

The study seeks to understand your opinions on the university brand personality, how it relates to you and your perception of yourself and how this may have influenced your behaviours or emotions towards the LJMU brand.   

What is involved?

This research is open to all undergraduate students at LJMU. It involves participating in an online questionnaire which typically takes between 5-10 minutes to complete.

Prize Draw

If you submit your email at the end of the questionnaire you will be entered into a prize draw, with a first prize of £50 and three runner-up prizes of £20 each. The prize draw will take place on 14 April.

How do I take part?

If you are interested in participating in the study please click the link to the online questionnaire below.  This will take you directly to the online questionnaire which will be available until 31st March. Responses are completely anonymous.


Find out more or contact us:

Further details of the study are included in the participant information provided at the start of the survey and in the participation information sheet.

If you have any queries at all either before or after completion of the survey please contact Kat Geer (k.a.geer@ljmu.ac.uk).