Supporting students with life-limiting illnesses
Life-limiting or terminal illnesses are those that are incurable and could likely lead to death. Our project aims to develop a charter that outlines the support that Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) provides students faced with life-limiting or palliative diagnoses during their studies, but who wish to continue their studies. The objectives are:
- To obtain information about how students and staff are affected.
- To conduct consultations with stakeholder groups to better understand the support and provisions needed.
- To collaborate with relevant practitioners in the Liverpool City Region.
Criteria for participating
You must:
- be over the age of 18
- identify with at least one of the following four stakeholder groups:
- Current university students or alumni with lived experiences of receiving a life-limiting or terminal diagnosis during their studies.
- University staff members who support, or have supported, such students.
- Representatives from universities who may have similar policies/charter or are considering developing one.
- Healthcare professionals and charities that support people with life-limiting or terminal illnesses.
Where and how this study is conducted
- Focus groups or individual interview, if you prefer not to be in a group setting.
- Online via Microsoft Teams (audio-recorded).
- You will be offered regular breaks as needed.
- Maximum of four participants in a focus group and two members of the research team who will be there to facilitate the focus group.
How long the study will take to complete
Approximately 60 minutes
Study language
What is involved in taking part
The focus group and interview will discuss your experiences of dealing with receiving a diagnosis of a life-limiting or terminal illness whilst studying at a university or of supporting someone who has done so, while they were studying at a university. We will ask questions about the support that was made available and any gaps that might have existed, as well as any ways that this could be improved. The topic may be considered sensitive because it asks you to reflect on times that may have been physically or emotionally difficult for you. However, the aim of the focus group will be to discuss shared experiences of the support available via the university and will not seek to elicit intimate personal information from any of the participants.
£10 online shopping voucher for students or alumni with lived experiences.
How you can take part in this study
Confirm you meet the requirements and which stakeholder group(s) you identify with.
About the research team
We are a project team of seven from Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool Business School, LJMU's Diversity & Inclusion Team, School of Nursing and Advanced Practice, and School of Public and Allied Health. We all have lived experiences of one of the four consultation groups for which we are recruiting participants. We work voluntarily on this project and aim to change policy and improve the student experience for this group faced with life-threatening illnesses who wish to carry on with their studies.
Further information or questions
Contact Jo Vincett ( or Laura Dixon (
Funding and ethical approval
This study is funded by the LJMU Diversity and Inclusion Team. The University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) has approved this study on 6 December 2024 (UREC reference: 24/LBS/048).