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  1. Screen School student hailed at international film festival

    A Screen School student has won first prize at the 2019 Pesaro Film Festival. Taking place in Pesaro, Italy, the festival recognises the talents of established and emerging filmmakers, and confers awards covering a range of areas, including a category for university students.

  2. International Business Management & Strategy Seminar

    The International Business Management and Strategy (IBMS) research group present a seminar on international business at Liverpool Business School.  The purpose of this workshop is to bring together expert practitioners and academics in contemporary areas of international business to discuss historical and current trends in international business. In addition, to examine strategies for international business in the digital era, best practices and how researchers and practitioners can bridge the knowledge gap. The seminar is structured under four key areas of interest  - social media, artificial intelligence, business solutions and emerging markets. 

  3. Your LJMU, Your Voice: staff survey findings

    The results of the Your LJMU, Your Voice staff survey reveal that employees consider LJMU to be a good place to work but there are clear areas for improvement. More than 1,400 staff – over 53% of our workforce – took part in the survey in May to help the university learn more about the experience of working here.

  4. Paid opportunity to solve a real world issue

    LCR Founders is offering students from any programme or level of study the chance to apply for a three-day paid consultancy to solve a real-world issue presented by an external organisation.

  5. Academic Registry invigilation training

    Training sessions will be held via Microsoft Teams throughout April and will cover the main aspects of the role of invigilators, including responsibilities prior to, during and following the completion of the examination.