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  1. Cosmic explosion is brightest of all time

    Dr Dan Perley and Dr Gavin Lamb at the Astrophysics Research Institute record phenomenal burst of energy GRB 221009A after sighting with Liverpool Telescope and James Webb Telescope.

  2. Chemistry for All

    The exclusive Liverpool John Moores University outreach project funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) has completed its first successful year.

  3. Premier League sports psychologists attend Football Exchange conference

    The Football Exchange, from the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, hosted its first ‘Psychology of Football’ conference. The event, endorsed by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES), was attended by over 120 delegates, including representatives from every English Premier League club, the Scottish Leagues and women’s football, with practitioners travelling from across the UK, Holland, Denmark, Estonia, Norway, Germany, Slovenia, Portugal, Poland and the US.