Mental Health services - Resources for Professionals who support Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Find out more about the mental health services available for asylum seekers and refugees.
Find out more about the mental health services available for asylum seekers and refugees.
Access the Counselling and Mental Health Services at Liverpool John Moores University to support your wellbeing.
Learn more about working in the UK while studying, including regulations and opportunities for international students.
97% of our research activity is rated world-leading or internationally excellent within RISES. Find out about our Biomechanics, Brain and Behaviour, Cardiovascular Health Sciences, Exercise Metabolism and Adaptation, Psychology and Development research groups and our exchanges: the Physical Activity Exchange and the Football Exchange.
Our Health and Social Care, Public Health and Environmental Health degrees will give you the knowledge and skills to shape both policy and interventions.
Learn about the undergraduate application process for international students and how to apply to our university.
Study in the sporting city of Liverpool. Explore our courses to find the right path into varied sport industries.
This study aims to understand the causal relationship between discrimination and psychosis in ethnic minority populations in the UK.
The School of Public and Allied Health has a wide range of courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and CPD level.
Explore the suicide and self-harm research theme within the Forensic Psychology Research Group in RCBB.