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  1. Does this painting offend you?

    Was Manchester Art Gallery's removal of JW Waterhouse's Hylas and the Nymphs a brilliant conversation-starter or a PC act of censorship? History of Art lecturer Dr Juliet Caroll and students give their thoughts

  2. The Notion of Becoming

    Liverpool John Moores University taught me that the PhD experience was about reflecting on the notion of becoming. To make sense continuously of what I should, could or need to pursue at any given point. The importance of being creative, accepting mistakes and remaining imaginative were reinforced through my experience at Liverpool John Moores University. A place that taught me to think about the purpose of my work and the reasons that underpinned my ideas. The PhD experience was four years but the positive affect of Liverpool John Moores University will continue.

  3. In memoriam: Peter Law

    The university is deeply saddened by the death of Peter Law, who passed away peacefully after a short illness on Thursday 8 February.

  4. Simply the best!

    LJMU has secured an exceptional outcome in its recent Higher Education Review by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), becoming the first university to receive two commended judgements.

  5. Human speech evolved from great apes

    Researchers have shown that, contrary to previous arguments, great apes do have control over their voice, and can learn how to ‘speak,’ throwing new light on the evolution of speech.