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  1. European, Public and International Law

    The research interests of the European, Public and International Law Research Group include: human rights, terrorism, collective security, European Criminal Law, EU Law, comparative law, regional government and more.

  2. MEMARC staff

    Find out more about the staff from the Mechanical Engnineering and Materials Research Centre. Read the MEMARC researchers profiles, publications and contact details.

  3. About PROTECT

    The Research Centre for Critical Infrastructure Computer Technology and Protection (PROTECT) specialises in: security to safeguard systems against cyber-attacks, networking to support the systems’ distributed operations, game techniques, as well as software engineering and artificial intelligence. Learn more about PROTECT's research specialisms and the Centre's research groups.

  4. Social Work

    Our social work expertise includes fostering and adoption; child protection, anti-oppressive practice, working with marginalised groups, user-driven healthcare, substance misuse and more. Our research aims to promote social justice and improve people's lives.

  5. Expertise within MEMARC

    The Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) has four research groups. Here you can find out more about each of these research groups and their individual specialisms.

  6. Policing and security

    Policing and Security research within the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion.

  7. Doctoral research - Liverpool Business School

    If you would like to become an expert in a specific topic area of business and management and would like to research a topic in depth, Liverpool Business School can provide you with the perfect environment.

  8. MEMARC's publications

    The Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) have published a variety of research papers and publications.