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  1. Gigantic giraffids

    Using the latest imaging technology, researchers have revealed more information about a prehistoric mammal, previously thought to be an elephant-sized, moose-like creature, which was actually a close relation to modern-day giraffes.

  2. Elvis and The Beatles

    As BBC2 marked the 50th anniversary of a momentous meeting between Elvis Presley and The Beatles, LJMU lecturer Jeff Young penned a drama for the occasion inspired by the secret meeting that took place in Elvis’s Bel Air mansion in 1965.

  3. Voice Acting Scholarships are a multilingual voice acting agency based in London, UK. They've created the Voquent Voice Acting Scholarship to give one lucky student everything they need to work in the voice acting industry.

  4. Does this painting offend you?

    Was Manchester Art Gallery's removal of JW Waterhouse's Hylas and the Nymphs a brilliant conversation-starter or a PC act of censorship? History of Art lecturer Dr Juliet Caroll and students give their thoughts

  5. Revealing 100-year global height study

    Dutch men and Latvian women are the tallest on the planet, according to the largest ever study of height around the world. The research group, which included LJMU’s Dr Lynne Boddy, conducted the study using data from most countries in the world, tracking the height of young adult men and women between 1914 and 2014.