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  1. About the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour

    The Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour is involved in research in all areas of brain and behavioural sciences, applied psychology, cognitive psychology, sports psychology, affective neuroscience, psychopharmacy, animal behaviour, health psychology and mindfulness. Find out more about our expertise and what we have achieved.

  2. Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour facilities

    The Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour has dedicated facilities including: EEG, psychophysiology, appetite research and neuroscience microneurography laboratories plus experimental testing booths and a sleep-over rest room. We also share a number of facilities with other science departments within the University.

  3. Time domain astrophysics

    Within the time domain astrophysics research group, we are involved in major observational survey projects. We work on a variety of explosive transients, including galactic and extragalactic novae, type la supernovae, core collapse supernovae, and gamma rays bursts. The Liverpool Telescope is the workhorse of the group. Find out more about our research.

  4. Contact the Money Advice team

    Need financial help? Find out how to reach LJMU's Money Advice team for expert guidance on managing your finances.