Contact - School of Engineering
Contact the School of Engineering.
Contact the School of Engineering.
School of Humanities and Social Science
School of Psychology
Find out how to get in touch with the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences.
Contact the School of Computer Science and Mathematics.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Tom Reilly Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course will develop the knowledge and skills required for delivering education and training sessions to healthcare professionals and encourage you to reflect on your approach to teaching.
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Every year, researchers from ART LABS publish over 50 publications. Staff create publications within a number of key disciplines, including: contemporary art, 3D digital art, the uses of art and cultural enrichment, exhibitions and curatorship, as well as design discourse and practice.
Find contact information and get in touch with the LJMU History team.