Paul French
School of Law
School of Law
School of Law
School of Law
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School of Law
Studying a social sciences degree at LJMU will help broaden your horizons and develop your thinking. Explore courses within social science.
School of Law
Find out more about how the Legal Advice Centre can help with legal information or policy research.
More effective measures of detection are needed to help stop the trade in illegal animal products. An LJMU graduate is working on an innovative approach to address the problem.
Find out more about the Fellows Liverpool John Moores University honoured in 2011 including; Sir Richard Lambert, David Moyes, Tim Johnston, Jack Stopforth MBE, Miles Templeman, John Kelly, Oliver Stanley, Peter Johnson, Matthew Kelly, Bernice Law, Bob Prattey, John Flamson, Paul barber, Neil Scales OBE, Janet Suzman and Michael Brown CBE.