Recognising the achievements of graduands
Graduations - Tuesday 24 November 2015
Graduations - Tuesday 24 November 2015
Oration for Honorary Fellowship award
A renowned comedian and writer, the Public Health England national lead for mental health and wellbeing and an LJMU Honorary fellow were among the impressive speakers that informed and enlightened almost 300 delegates at the Let's Talk Disability and Mental Health Conference.
Forensic Science Regulator and Forensic Capability Network back LJMU plan to encourage volunteer donations
Merseyside Police Chief Constable, Andy Cooke QPM, cited enhancing trust within his own staff and the community as being one of his key priorities in leading Merseyside Police, as part of LJMU’s Chief Constable Annual Lecture Series.
Friday 17 July was the final day of LJMU's 2015 summer graduation ceremonies
Dr Pooja Saini, LJMU Lecturer in Psychology, won the Public Service Award at the Asian Women of Achievement Awards 2018.
Panel including Channel 4 agree the status quo is no longer viable at public debate on relocation of the broadcaster
Astrophysicists from LJMU showcased their latest simulations at Daresbury Laboratory Open Week.
Oration for Honorary Fellowship