Staff Infobase update protecting your bank details
Did you know that you can add additional security around viewing and changing your bank details in Staff Infobase?
Did you know that you can add additional security around viewing and changing your bank details in Staff Infobase?
Important Dates and Actions Required
AI from Liverpool John Moores University is being used to identify animals, plot their movements and spot wounds in a bid to help conservationists, reports New Scientist.
The University’s Student Information System (SIS) is being upgraded. SIS will be unavailable during the upgrade, from 5pm on Thursday 21st November until 8am on Tuesday 26th November.
Liverpool John Moores University is currently locked down to protect our students, staff and wider society in the COVID-19 emergency.
Next month, the Centre for Educational Research (CERES) seminar series kicks off with two online events taking place every month from October through to May.
Today is Transgender Day or Remembrance (20th November 2019) - A vigil will be held in Exchange Station 6.00pm onwards
Carlos Ghosn provides exclusive testimony for management paper
Updated report cover sheet template
Clinical Exercise Physiologists can now become registered health professionals