3 Dads Walking star at Liverpool suicide and self-harm conference
Mike Palmer, LJMU Honorary Fellow calls for more emotional education and backs LJMU's bid for suicide prevention education
Mike Palmer, LJMU Honorary Fellow calls for more emotional education and backs LJMU's bid for suicide prevention education
Chief Constable of Merseyside Police, Serena Kennedy, KPM delivered the Chief Constable of Merseyside Annual Autumn Lecture at Liverpool John Moores University.
LJMU astrophysicist works with European Southern Observatory and collaborators to confirm Milky Way-like galaxy from 700m years after Big Bang
Student Advice and Wellbeing and the International team want to make staff aware in particular of an update to the Safeguarding Policy regarding under-18 international students with LJMU and collaborative partners.
As part of this year's submission to the Times Higher Impact Rankings, a hub of resources is now available to staff outlining our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
You can find the timetable for programme and module amendments.
More than 70 students and staff joined LJMU on campus for a festive winter lunch in the Student Life Building.
Record number of nominees for 10 awards at annual research and knowledge exchange event
LJMU strengthens links with the International Maritime University (UMIP) and the Technological University (UTP) of Panama.
Info about your student ID card for new students starting in early 2024.