New book reveals lives, loves and losses behind War Widows’ Quilt
A new digital exhibition book tells the moving stories that lie behind the squares of the War Widows Quilt, a collaborative piece of art made by more than 90 war widows.
A new digital exhibition book tells the moving stories that lie behind the squares of the War Widows Quilt, a collaborative piece of art made by more than 90 war widows.
The universitys new and innovative MSc Emergency Care module has been well received, with more than 200 stakeholders, leaders and healthcare professionals attending the launch symposium.
In celebration of Black History Month LJMU Historian Dr Andrea Livesey delivered a bespoke lecture entitled "Toppling Statues and renaming building" | The Black Lives Matter Movement and the History of Slavery to young people across the U.K.
Liverpool John Moores University is celebrating after a wonderful week of graduation ceremonies at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, in which more than 4,000 students graduated across 18 ceremonies, including 96 members of staff.
Eight students and staff from the School of Law laced up their trainers and ran the Liverpool half marathon on Sunday 27 March, in aid of local homeless and housing charity the Whitechapel Centre.
Staff and students joined a flood of tributes to Owen Copland who died on Christmas Day after a long battle with a brain tumour.
Europe's Solheim Cup stars had LJMUs own Amy O'Donnell to thank for the amazing energy levels that brought women's golf's top trophy home.
The main University examinations will take place between 27 April - 7 May 2020.
On the eve of this year's Eurovision song contest, LJMU Astrophysics Professor Andy Newsam analyses the UKs Space Man entry and ponders how the lyrics stand up in the real universe.
LJMU has collaborated with LCR to transfer £132,000 of unspent Apprenticeship Levy to Autism Initiatives, funding 44 new apprentice care workers for the charity.