Search the LJMU website

  1. Time and talent

    Want to give something back? As an LJMU alumnus you can help prepare the next generation of graduates for work in your industry. Find out how to get involved.

  2. Alumni stories

    Read the stories of alumni, find out about our research and interests, delve into our subjects, learn more about Liverpool and discover what makes LJMU a great place to study.

  3. Safeguarding at LJMU

    At LJMU the safety and wellbeing of our students is a priority. To ensure that all students can learn and achieve safely, free from abuse, harassment and harm, we have developed a safeguarding policy and associated procedures.

  4. Student and Graduate case studies

    Read careers case studies from students and graduates from every academic school at LJMU, including testimonials about volunteering, internships, industrial placements, graduate-level roles and graduate schemes.

  5. Elder Dempster events

    Throughout the year, we hold a number of events relating to Elder Dempster Lines. We'll post details about upcoming events on this page. Read more about the workshops, talks and training we've held in the past.

  6. John Goble

    John Goble was the Chief Officer for Elder Dempster Lines. John joined Elder Dempsters in 1963 as Third Mate. In his interview, John discusses the challenges of working at sea, his first impressions on West Africa and how the impact containerisation had on the industry.

  7. Steve New

    Steve New began working for Elder Dempsters in 1962 as an Indentured Deck Officer Apprentice. In his interview, Steve talks about those early days in the engine room, the dangers of cleaning wheelhouse windows and about why Steve joined the Merchant Navy.

  8. Sustainability

    You'll find LJMU sustainability policies: the Biodiversity Policy, Environmental Policy and Fairtrade Status renewal.