Search the LJMU website

  1. Pupil and heart: Autonomic correlates of listening effort

    Are you interested in taking part in a research project that aims to identify physiological indicators of listening effort? We are looking to recruit participants for a study that examines the heart- and pupil-related responses associated with effortful listening.

  2. About us – Liverpool Health Commission

    Liverpool Health Commission is a new, dynamic initiative fully funded by Liverpool John Moores University. The Commission aims to conduct independent investigation and critical analysis of significant, key public health and health care policy issues.

  3. Sir Malcolm Thornton

    Read the oration for Sir Malcolm Thornton on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Alison Wild.

  4. Rt Revd Dr Rupert Hoare

    Read the oration for Rt Revd Rupert Hoare on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  5. Research Data Management Plans

    Planning how your research data will be collected, stored and shared is an important part of any research project or proposal.

  6. Records Management

    Records Management is the process of creating, maintaining, using and disposing of records.

  7. Visits and evidence for the Liverpool Health Commission

    Liverpool Health Commission is a new, dynamic initiative fully funded by Liverpool John Moores University. The Commission aims to conduct independent investigation and critical analysis of significant, key public health and health care policy issues.

  8. Faces of Merseyside

    The Faces of Merseyside project analyses the faces of people from Merseyside. Find out more about this exciting research project undertaken by ART LABS.