Search the LJMU website

  1. SDG 1 - No poverty

    Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: No poverty.

  2. Ecology of Dual Careers

    This website provides information on the project, findings which emerge from the project as and when they become available, and allows you to contact the project team if you have any further questions.

  3. Positive Action Training

    Find out more about the positive action training scheme that helps LJMU employ more local people of colour.

  4. SDG 15 - Life on land

    Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: Life on land.

  5. Exhibition Research Lab

    The Exhibition Research Lab is the first centre devoted to the study of exhibitions. We have ties with Tate Liverpool, the Liverpool Biennial, as well as six major European museums and a network of arts institutions. Find out more about the Lab's collaborations and projects.