Support for students over the winter break
From Student Advice and Wellbeing (SAW) opening hours to support services and resources in Liverpool, here’s everything you need to know about how to access support over the winter break.
From Student Advice and Wellbeing (SAW) opening hours to support services and resources in Liverpool, here’s everything you need to know about how to access support over the winter break.
A new study shows that money is better spent on forest protection and law enforcement than rescue and rehabilitation
Our staff networks have been integral in progressing certain policies for LJMU staff, including on maternity leave and menopause.
Interview with organiser Dr James Crossland
Much-anticipated Students at the Heart Conference runs 15 & 16 June
A campaign to reduce sexual violence in bars and clubs across Liverpool City Centre has been launched today in partnership with LJMU.
LJMU to launch new Mental Health Awareness development opportunities for all staff in January 2020.
In January 2015 Library Services piloted the use of a reading list management system, Rebus:List with 27 academics across the University with a soft launch that Summer.
Student Life Building and Sports Building at Copperas Hill scoop national design prize
Simulation predicts history of violence in certain individuals