Menopause matters celebration and future initiatives
An update on the work happening at LJMU to better support staff going through the menopause.
An update on the work happening at LJMU to better support staff going through the menopause.
Analytical Chemist Dr Alistair Fielding co-authors an article for The Conversation on plastic bottle recycling in West Africa
International specialists in the field of sport coaching at LJMU visited Malta this month, rounding off the academic year, as they brought together UK-based MSc Sport Coaching students with their Maltese counterparts on the MSc International Sport Coaching programme.
LJMUs Positive Action Trainees were celebrated at an event this week after almost a year of working at the university, in key professional and technical roles.
Dr Darren Sexton of LJMU's School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences studies antibacterial products from the natural world of plants and animals
We have received the sad news that our former Energy and Environment Manager Bob Steventon passed away earlier this week.
LJMU has won a national energy and sustainability award for its work to cut carbon emissions.
'Towards Outstanding' programme improved retention, motivation and learning culture at healthcare group
The second phase of LJMU’s new curriculum management system is poised to go live and there will be temporary changes in how staff update their course information.
During JMSU's Sustainability Week, find out how the university is working towards a sustainable future.