Graduation review: Friday 12 July 2019
As graduation week ended, the final graduands of July 2019 arrived at Liverpool Cathedral with their friends and families to receive their awards.
As graduation week ended, the final graduands of July 2019 arrived at Liverpool Cathedral with their friends and families to receive their awards.
POACHERS who disguise rare animal remains in a multi-billion dollar trade are a step closer to being caught out, according to scientists in Liverpool, UK.
Over 60 students successfully completed the online summer course Sustainability and Employability: Understanding Sustainability Issues and Getting Ready for the Job Market.
Visitors heard about the latest admissions policies revealed during an informative Q&A admissions panel, in addition to participating in a session delivered by several LJMU students from Northern Ireland who talked about life at LJMU.
July marks the celebration of Disability Pride month. An opportunity to raise awareness and have positive conversations about disability in study and the workplace.
Our Diversity and Inclusion team explains this year’s theme of Black History Month: Saluting our Sisters and Matriarchs in Black History
At the final winter graduation ceremony, students from the Faculties of Arts, Professional and Social Studies, Science, and Engineering and Technology celebrated receiving their awards in the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral.
LJMU researchers are to help regenerate post-industrial sites of China after successfully bidding for £250,000 funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
The first LASER session will focus on the theme of faces and identity with presentations on facial skin growth, forensic art and cosmetic surgery.
LJMU, Racing Welfare and the BHA will be carrying out a major new piece of research into the provision of mental health services across horse racing.