PhD student takes care support to Parliament
Shaunna praised for help for other care-experienced students
Shaunna praised for help for other care-experienced students
Social mobility, levelling up and what employers want from graduates are among the topics at a high profile event being hosted by Liverpool John Moores University.
Former UK Secretary of State, Justine Greening, led a series of discussions at LJMU this week aimed at creating better opportunities for young people.
Liverpool John Moores University is proud to have been awarded the Liverpool Bambis Breastfeeding Friendly Mayoral Award and this week received the accolade from the Deputy Mayor of Liverpool.
LJMU has collaborated with LCR to transfer £132,000 of unspent Apprenticeship Levy to Autism Initiatives, funding 44 new apprentice care workers for the charity.
It is essential that our university honours significant dates to the Black community. LJMU's Anita Awotunde looks at the history, why it's important and the plans for 2021.
Being a student in the UKs most exciting city means you get access to a range of events happening right on your doorstep. So, what is coming up in 2022, in our city and at LJMU?
A NEW study into unwanted sexual attention in bars and clubs has found that men use two key aggression tactics.
LJMU is "a mother of the city" says the Mowgli entrepreneur
We chat with Becca Hope and Julia Harrison about their experiences staying away from social media and discover their top tips on how to let go.