Secondary care - Resources for Professionals who support Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Find out more about Secondary care, maternity care and sexual health services available to asylum seekers and refugees.
Find out more about Secondary care, maternity care and sexual health services available to asylum seekers and refugees.
Discover the healing power of bibliotherapy at LJMU. Explore our curated collection of books for mental wellbeing, tailored to support students and staff.
Find out more about the Reciprocal Mentoring Programme at LJMU.
Stay connected to like-minded LJMU graduates. Find out about our range of alumni networks and groups and join one today.
Moving into your student accommodation is an exciting time and marks the start of your university experience. To help things go smoothly and make sure you are fully prepared, here is some advice from our Accommodation Office for students who are moving into a LJMU approved hall.
The Student Handbook explains the rules, policies and regulations and highlights where your specific rights and responsibilities lie. You'll also find links to supplementary information and guidance from different departments across the University.
Liverpool John Moores is a proud signatory of the GTRSB Pledge. The Pledge is the University’s commitment to undertake a range of steps to support GTRSB individuals studying or working in higher education.
Search for accommodation to suit all student needs
Starting your own business or freelancing information for final year students.
Carolyn Williams is the Director of LJMU's Student Recruitment Marketing and Admissions Department.