International Online Learning With Athena School of Management
A summary of a recent COIL project with Athena School
A summary of a recent COIL project with Athena School
EU Horizon 2020 €3.4 million grant for Energy Transitions Research
A successful bid by a national research group led by LJMU looks to better strengthen the use outdoor natural environments as a mental health asset over the coming decade.
A year before Liverpool Polytechnic became Liverpool John Moores University, another major change happened at the institution. In April 1991, the Liverpool School of Nursing and Midwifery amalgamated with the Poly, laying the foundations for today’s School of Nursing and Allied Health.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to The Sorrell Foundation at Liverpool Cathedral on Thursday 12 July 2018.
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) is delighted to announce this year’s Honorary Fellowships to be conferred during its graduation ceremonies this July.
Following the close of the elections for 6 posts on the Academic Board, the results are now available.
Midwifery and History students team up to explore the history of racism in maternity care in Liverpool since Slavery
A major national study of the impact of the Royal British Legion break service on veterans and their families, is being carried out by LJMU.
Two Liverpool Screen School academics, Dr Rex Li and Andrew McMillan have been appointed to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College.