'The progress, the power and the challenge of police communications'
Chief Constable of Merseyside Police, Serena Kennedy, KPM delivered the Chief Constable of Merseyside Annual Autumn Lecture at Liverpool John Moores University.
Chief Constable of Merseyside Police, Serena Kennedy, KPM delivered the Chief Constable of Merseyside Annual Autumn Lecture at Liverpool John Moores University.
Long service staff who have worked at the university for over 25 years were celebrated at an event at the Hilton, Liverpool last week.
Following a fortnight-long election period, Caroline received the majority of votes out of the eight self-nominated candidates and will now serve on the Board for the next three years.
Scrutiny of pilots for Photo-ID scheme cause for concern for legal experts
Public health pioneer and founding figure of LJMU Fanny Calder has been honoured at Liverpool's newest hotel.
FAQs Staff Car Parking
Astronomers discover huge hydrogen cloud - a new clue to formation of stars
A statement from the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Campbell.
Final year undergraduates have raised £10,290 for Student Minds by completing the National Student Survey, well on the way to our £12,000 fundraising target.
The university is committed to providing a holistic package of services and resources to support your wellbeing.