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  1. Sources of employment support and advice

    The organisations on this webpage offer a range of advice, support and guidance on recruitment and employment issues including sharing information about your disability or health condition with prospective employers.

  2. Work abroad – Go abroad

    International work experience, whether in Europe or further afield can really boost your CV and increase your chances in securing that dream job in the future. Working overseas allows you to put your skills and knowledge to the test while increasing your cultural awareness and highlighting your adaptability. So, why not apply to work abroad with LJMU today?

  3. Nepal and gender

    As a part of the LJMU Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you can find out about the gender issues within Nepal.

  4. LJMU Wellbeing Week

    Wellbeing Week, which runs every year provides an opportunity for staff and students to try out new approaches to staying healthy and happy; from yoga to music, knitting to meditation. See the programme of activities from Wellbeing Week 2021.