Search the LJMU website

  1. Athena SWAN

    Liverpool John Moores University joined the Athena SWAN charter in 2014 and was first presented with an Institutional Bronze award in 2014, in recognition of ongoing work relating to gender equality. Since then, LJMU had a second successful submission of their Institutional Bronze award in 2017.

  2. Training, workshops and events

    LJMU’s EDI Team are proud to be working in partnership with an array of equality and diversity training specialists and subject matter experts, in order to offer the opportunity to participate in workshops and training.

  3. Ethnically Diverse Staff Network

    The LJMU Ethnically Diverse Staff Network is open to staff whom identify as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, in the first instance.

  4. i-buy - Information for Users

    i-Buy is a self-service system, which helps LJMU staff select and order goods, services and works in a simple and standardised manner, from approved, recognised sources.

  5. Students at the Heart conference 2023

    At the Students at the Heart conference 2023, there will be a range of presentations, workshops, demos and stalls themed around the new LJMU Values of Community, Inclusivity, Community and Student Focused.

  6. Public information

    You'll find LJMU policies and documents related to: Academic Quality and Regulations, Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Equality and Diversity, Financial Information, Governance, Strategic Plan, Student Regulations and Sustainability.