LJMU at the forefront of the search for other-Earths
Read more about how LJMU's Liverpool Telescope has helped to find seven earth-sized worlds.
Read more about how LJMU's Liverpool Telescope has helped to find seven earth-sized worlds.
As graduation week ended, the final graduands of July 2019 arrived at Liverpool Cathedral with their friends and families to receive their awards.
The difference between the fates of ordinary people and criminals is ‘paper thin’, as demonstrated by a new exhibition of composite facial images of 19th Century and 21st Century criminals.
Did you know LJMU has its very own LJMU LGBTIQ+ Staff Network?
During JMSU's Sustainability Week, find out how the university is working towards a sustainable future.
A study into the feeding behaviour of two extinct European rhinoceros species has revealed an unexpected survival strategy for a mammalian family of the Ice Ages.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Steve Hawkins at Liverpool Cathedral on Friday 15 July 2016.
LJMU’s School of Sport and Exercise Sciences regularly undertakes outreach activity to ensure members of the public are aware of the work researchers are carrying out, and the positive impact it has on everyday lives.
Communal living arrangements such as university residences can make students more at risk of contracting scabies. Find out what the symptoms are and guidance of what to do next.
Liverpool School of Law expert creates learning resources for schools and children