Pandemic hastens improved Student Health & Welfare support
Stories of students 'locked down' in halls inspire fresh approach in LJMU Student Advice & Welfare
Stories of students 'locked down' in halls inspire fresh approach in LJMU Student Advice & Welfare
LJMU launches new 'Nia' scheme
Professor Serge Wich contributes to IUCN report on vegetable oil
The Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning Policy (RPEL) has been updated to incorporate requirements for RPEL assessment for Apprenticeship programmes, and to reflect changes to governance related to RPEL.
In order to make the most of a recruitment event like this, it is important to prepare ahead of the event. Here are some tips and advice about what you should do before, during and after the fair.
Education, mental health, and social care downgraded or, in some cases, withdrawn altogether.
Submissions are welcome from students and staff across the university.
Staff and student homepages get new look and feel with improvements in access to news, announcements and quick links
Our prehistoric ancestors may have had large carnivores – giant lions, saber-tooth cats, bears and hyenas up to twice the size of their modern relatives – to thank for an abundance and diversity of plants and wildlife.
As part of their tenth year in the John Lennon Building celebrations, the Liverpool School of Art and Design posed this question to pupils at St Nicholas Catholic Primary School, providing a chance for artistic designs to flourish and future aspirations to be discussed.