Exhibition for 'forgotten' Liverpool artist
The Wrong Sex: Franchon Fröhlich will show at the Exhibition Research Lab, John Lennon Art and Design Building from February 17 to May, 2023.
The Wrong Sex: Franchon Fröhlich will show at the Exhibition Research Lab, John Lennon Art and Design Building from February 17 to May, 2023.
MA Sports Journalism Student, Jack Kinsella has won the ‘Best Student Project’ at the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) Awards for Excellence.
25 Athletes from across the UK attended the first ever Para Laser Sport training event at LJMU’s Sport Building this week.
Psychologist Valentina Cazzato collaborates with Edge Hill in AHRC-funded project to understand the neuroscience of dance as therapy
Incentives for staff and students to travel sustainably are being put on the table to back the university's newly-approved Active and Sustainable Travel Plan.
One of Britain's leading figures in police leadership has joined Liverpool John Moores University as an adjunct Professor.
The discovery of invisible galaxies billions of light years from Earth is helping us understand the origins of the Universe, say astrophysicists.
A programme to keep teenage girls active during lockdown has found it significantly boosted their strength, fitness, motivation and body image.
Working on exciting projects
Anthropology students uncover secrets of the Scladina Cave