'First Class Honours' for social mobility
Welcome news this week that LJMU is amongst the UK's top performing universities for enabling social mobility.
Welcome news this week that LJMU is amongst the UK's top performing universities for enabling social mobility.
A successful bid by a national research group led by LJMU looks to better strengthen the use outdoor natural environments as a mental health asset over the coming decade.
Among the 100 people featured in the campaign is Malik Al Nasir, an author, poet and academic from Liverpool who studied new media production at LJMU.
Our Research Engagement Team within Library Services wants to know more about your research outcomes and is sharing new guidance on using the LJMU data repository.
LJMU has long prided itself on offering access to higher education to under-represented sections of our community.
Our work experience programme is looking for expressions of interest from staff and teams across the university for a Year 10 pupil to undertake a placement within your department.
Alexandra, first of many as LJMU targets under-represented community
We have 60 on campus which anyone can access and use in the event of an emergency.
Liverpool John Moores University is going the extra mile to support youngsters at risk of missing out on a university education due to the COVID pandemic.
P60s for the tax year 2021-22 (ending 5 April 2022) are now available on Staff InfoBase