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  1. Graham Austin interview – Elder Dempster

    As a Printer for Elder Dempster Lines, Graham Austin sometimes worked 18-hours a day and was responsible for printing the menus, programme of events and stationery for the ship’s various departments. Listen to Graham's interview.

  2. Contact Us form

    Please fill in this contact form if you are not from LJMU or if you are having trouble logging in.

  3. James Joyce's "Chamber Music"

    Two scholarly essays by Dr Gerry Smyth relating to his setting of all 36 lyrics from James Joyce's 'Chamber Music'; this page also includes a list of 'Aphorisms and Quotations', offering reflections on different aspects of Joyce's original lyric sequence.

  4. Consumer information

    As LJMU is a participating institution in the William D. Ford Federal Direction Loan Programme, we are obligated to provide some consumer information in relation to financial aid for U.S. students.

  5. Contact us about Elder Dempster

    Please contact us using the details below if you’d like to find out more about Elder Dempster Lines or the Homeward Bound Project. We welcome enquiries from schools, teachers and community groups.

  6. LJMU Together LGBTIQ+ Staff Network

    LJMU Together (LGBTIQ+) Staff Network supports the strategic aim of being a University where each person is respected equally and where diversity is embraced.