Visiting the Library
Overview of the Library locations, facilities, opening hours and services available.
Overview of the Library locations, facilities, opening hours and services available.
How to get in contact with the Library team through telephone, email, library chat (LibChat), HelpMe and the Contact Us form.
Overview of the library sites, facilities and study space available and how to gain entry.
Access to additional information resources through purchase request, Inter Library Loan and Digital Scanning Service.
Explore a wide range of Diversity and Inclusion materials on from inside and outside LJMU, including video resources and recommended reading.
Location of the library sites and their opening hours.
Find out more about the resources available for professionals who support asylum seekers and refugees.
How to place hold requests, borrow books and check your library account.
Find out more information by using these resources to help publishing your work.
Library policy, regulations, customer service commitments and service standards.