Get Trained on GaP
All grant funded projects and knowledge exchange projects must be recorded on the GaP system from April 2020
All grant funded projects and knowledge exchange projects must be recorded on the GaP system from April 2020
LJMU students and graduates attended a virtual careers event to give them advice on their future careers.
Final year undergraduates have raised £10,290 for Student Minds by completing the National Student Survey, well on the way to our £12,000 fundraising target.
Drone research at LJMU is branching out into new areas including working with Google Maps and Google Earth engines and introducing a ‘Civic Drones programme’ for the business community.
They are most-commonly associated with a blocked nose and headaches but the humble sinuses could hold an important key to the evolution of the human face.
The Roscoe Lecture, named ‘What do you think about when you think of nothing?’ entails the strange concept that meditating and clearing the mind often throws up a lot of questions- which is exactly what you are not meant to be doing
Additional training dates have now been made available as GaP (Grants and Projects) training has proved to be very popular.
Advice on how to overcome homesickness. Research shows 35% of students experience it.
The discovery of a virtually complete Neanderthal skeleton in Northern Iraq is set to reopen the debate about whether our closest ancient human relatives buried their dead.
LJMU is hosting a series of events to support cyclists of all abilities and experience.