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The online shop is available for staff and students to book on field trips, purchase LJMU merchandise and to register for conferences and events.
The online shop is available for staff and students to book on field trips, purchase LJMU merchandise and to register for conferences and events.
A vacancy may arise for a number of reasons, such as staff resignation, retirement or a new post (either temporary or permanent) may be required due to taking on new projects or responsibilities.
Read more about new finds for the Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.
Find out the latest news, connect with the Diversity and Inclusion team and sign up to the LJMU mailing list.
Find out how to search and apply online for accommodation that meets your wants and needs.
View the policies that fall under the LJMU Health and Safety Codes of Practice.
A-Z of Employment Policies and Guidelines and Forms
Welcome to our IT help and support section for students. Here you can see all of the IT services available to you to work from home or on campus as well as information about managing your LJMU account and how to ask an IT related question.
Welcome to our IT help and support section for staff. Here you can see all of the IT services available to you to work from home or on campus as well as information about managing your LJMU account and how to report an IT fault or ask an IT related question.
Sessional/Hourly Paid Staff and Overtime