LJMU "reflects the spirit and generosity of Liverpool" - new VC
Liverpool John Moores University has a new leader at the helm, sport scientist Ian Campbell.
Liverpool John Moores University has a new leader at the helm, sport scientist Ian Campbell.
Yara and Rawan Kassab, 21, were a picture of delight as they graduated from an award-winning LJMU course on Friday.
Singsongs, card games and radio shows would not normally be part of a History degree unless you are lucky enough to be taught by lecturer Lucinda Matthews-Jones, that is.
Over 60 students successfully completed the online summer course Sustainability and Employability: Understanding Sustainability Issues and Getting Ready for the Job Market.
Reporting Liverpool's first league title in 30 years was a labour of love for LJMU journalism graduate and Reds fan, Chris Shaw.
Take part in our mental health survey and win £100 Amazon vouchers
PhD student David Dunne has worked with Harlequins, QPR and the Ryder Cup team to maximise the physical potential of athletes. Together with ex-PhD Sam Impey, David has raised £450k to launch training companion app Hexis, claimed to be the world's most intelligent nutrition system. He spoke to us to explain more.
Fortnite, Squid Game and Artificial Intelligence are the hot topics in LJMU's new TechTalks series.
'Usually we only learn from a European perspective'
Student Futures, LJMUs Careers, Employability and Enterprise team, have a range of exciting, paid internship opportunities available for L5 and 6 (second and third year) students working on a real-life project for a local business/SME.