Cosmic fireworks as distant star ‘squeezed’ by massive black hole
Daniel Perley and collaborators describe only third Black Hole 'tidal event' on astronomical record in the journal Nature
Daniel Perley and collaborators describe only third Black Hole 'tidal event' on astronomical record in the journal Nature
Find out all the exciting things going on across the city, this Autumn 2022, in Liverpool and at Liverpool John Moores University.
The American who fell in love with Astrophysics
LJMU Astrophysicist Claire Burke has been named by the British Science Association (BSA) as a winner of its prestigious Award Lectures for 2018.
FLAMINGO project publishes results after two years of modelling evolution of the Universe
LJMU astrophysicist works with European Southern Observatory and collaborators to confirm Milky Way-like galaxy from 700m years after Big Bang
Scientists from LJMU's Astrophysics Research Institute part of team to discover Earth's nearest Black Hole
Astronomers show that stars form rapidly and drive interstellar gas bubbles throughout galaxies.
Dr Dan Perley and Dr Gavin Lamb at the Astrophysics Research Institute record phenomenal burst of energy GRB 221009A after sighting with Liverpool Telescope and James Webb Telescope.
The Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) has announced the successful commissioning of an exciting new instrument on the Liverpool Telescope (LT).