Individuals ‘can be profiled’ via Virtual Reality platforms
Study by psychologists raises ethical questions about data capture
Study by psychologists raises ethical questions about data capture
PhD student David Dunne has worked with Harlequins, QPR and the Ryder Cup team to maximise the physical potential of athletes. Together with ex-PhD Sam Impey, David has raised £450k to launch training companion app Hexis, claimed to be the world's most intelligent nutrition system. He spoke to us to explain more.
LJMU equality and diversity team worked in partnership with SaveraUK to host an inspiring HBA, FGM and FM event in November 2019.
This year's International Women's Day theme is #BreakTheBias and Ambar Ennis, VP Community and Wellbeing at JMSU and Julia Daer, EDI Advisor discuss what this means to them.
LJMU's new "Never Judge A Book By Its Cover" film explores three key themes; Unconscious Bias, Intercultural Competence and Micro-Aggressions
The police staff, drawn from Nottinghamshire Police, West Midlands Police and British Transport Police, secured the scholarship opportunity under an initiative known as Project Harpocrates. The project seeks to support law enforcement efforts to recruit and retain staff in the highly specialist area of covert operations and specialist intelligence. Whilst the project was open to all officers one of the specific aims of the project is to increase the representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff (BAME) in this challenging and exciting area of investigation and intelligence management.
A NEW study into unwanted sexual attention in bars and clubs has found that men use two key aggression tactics.
Liverpool John Moores University will start work on the world's largest robotic telescope after a £4 million boost from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).
LJMU has been part of a successful consortium bid for funds to improve opportunities for Black, Asian and minority ethnic students to undertake postgraduate research.
Professor Zoe Knowles is set to become the first woman to chair the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES).