Recognising the achievements of exceptional individuals
New Honorary Fellowships for outstanding achievement
New Honorary Fellowships for outstanding achievement
The penultimate day of LJMU's 2016 Summer Graduation Ceremonies took place at Liverpool Cathedral on Thursday 14 July.
The last day of LJMU's 2016 Summer Graduation Ceremonies took place at Liverpool Cathedral on Friday 15 July.
Final-year creative writing student Kayla Marsh sat down with seven members of staff to discuss their ‘Reading Rivers’ – from the books never finished to the books that evoked tears.
When it comes to female participation in sport, we've come a long way. But the playing field is by no means level yet...
The sun shone on the third day of LJMU's 2016 Summer Graduation Ceremonies at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 13 July.
Ian G McCarthy, Reader in Astrophysics at Liverpool John Moores University writes for The Conversation's Cosmology in Crisis series.
Read the Graduation review for Thursday 23 November 2017, the first day of our November Graduation ceremonies.
Read the Graduation review for Friday 24 November 2017, the last day of our Graduation ceremonies in 2017.