Judges say student will inspire others
An ‘inspirational’ student midwife at LJMU has been awarded Student Midwife of the year award at The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Annual Midwifery Awards 2016.
An ‘inspirational’ student midwife at LJMU has been awarded Student Midwife of the year award at The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Annual Midwifery Awards 2016.
LJMU is launching a brand-new innovation programme to support staff and postgraduate students to transform their ground-breaking ideas, research and inventions into products and services.
University hosts Federation of Education Development and main political parties
Liverpool John Moores University is currently locked down to protect our students, staff and wider society in the COVID-19 emergency.
Research conducted by LJMU’s Face Lab has revealed the average faces of British and Tasmanian convicts from the 19th century.
In a recent report by HEFCE on Sector-leading innovative practice in advancing equality and diversity, LJMU was commended for the number and range of events and initiatives focusing on equality and diversity issues.
Five years on from the legalisation of prescription cannabis researchers in the School of Justice Studies conduct the first UK study of patient experiences
An LJMU spearheaded initiative to increase physical activity within cities across the globe has been shortlisted for a prestigious Times Higher Education Award.
Claire House is one of LJMU’s corporate charity partners. Chancellor Nisha Katona attended “an afternoon with Claire House” to raise the profile of the amazing work the charity is doing for terminally ill children in Merseyside.
An LJMU lecturer gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament this week on the importance of intergovernmental relations in light of Brexit and COVID-19.