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  1. Work culture key to success of digital roll outs

    Research by the Institute of Capital Culture, a collaboration between LJMU and the University of Liverpool, has found that creating a positive digital culture at work and encouraging worker confidence in digital tools are the most important factors in ensuring digital roll-outs are successful.

  2. Why the menopause matters and workplace support at LJMU

    For the past two years, colleagues across LJMU have been working to better understand and recognise the type of support needed by those experiencing the menopause, and to devise ways to create greater awareness across the organisation.

  3. Academic Registry Roadshows

    Informal one-hour breakfast sessions open to all academic staff who want to learn more about the support available to them from Academic Registry.

  4. Professional Services Conference 2019

    Registration is open for the 2019 Professional Services Conference, being held on Thursday 27th June in the Redmonds building. This year’s theme is “Leadership Matters” with a focus on resilience, health and wellbeing.