Travelling to the Joe H Makin Drama Centre
Here you will find information about travelling to the Joe H Makin Drama Centre including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Joe H Makin Drama Centre including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Remote working during COVID and hybrid working have identified a need to improve how the Wellbeing Assessment Group manages surveys and assessments. We plan to make the process more effective by moving our survey questionnaires online and use Microsoft Forms.
Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) is a prospective process for monitoring and reviewing the University’s taught undergraduate and postgraduate provision to ensure alignment with external and internal threshold standards, as well as for regularly reviewing programmes to see how they can be developed further to enhance the student experience.
Information about reporting an incidence of sexual violence immediately.
Member of the Board of Governors
Now that Unitemps at Liverpool John Moores University is fully operational, this guidance for hiring manager and budget holders has been prepared between Human Resources, Finance and Student Advancement - LJMU’s careers, employability & enterprise service, within which Unitemps sits.
LJMU's Chart of Accounts is the data structure that controls how financial transactions are collected and stored in the Oracle Financial System (Oracle is also known as Staff Infobase). It consists of fields and codes that are used to classify and record financial data to meet a number of objectives.
an extended bibliography of sources relating to music in the work of James Joyce, in particular his first book, 'Chamber Music', published in London in 1907.
All classrooms and meeting rooms will be equipped with a computer (PC) and one or more projectors or large wall-mounted TVs. See instructions on how to use these as well as troubleshooting help for common issues.