Law student duo secure prestigious Anthony Walker Bursary Scheme
Two School of Law students are celebrating their success after securing the prestigious Anthony Walker Bursary Scheme.
Two School of Law students are celebrating their success after securing the prestigious Anthony Walker Bursary Scheme.
Dr Rachel Broady, Lecturer of Media Culture and Communications takes part in a Q&A with MA Journalism student Mia O'Hare
Four academics have been recognised by Club Liverpool for their roles in bringing education and research conferences to the city in 2023.
LJMU is part of a landmark support scheme to help raise aspirations and outcomes for care leavers.
MA Writing alumnus, consultant paediatric cardiologist and Hippocrates Initiative for Poetry and Medicine winner, Denise Bundred is looking forward to the publication of her pamphlet, Litany of a Cardiologist.
Dr Patrick Byrne, Reader in Hydrology and Environmental Pollution, writes in The Conversation on the growing dangers of 'forever chemicals' - PFAs - in our water resources.
Quality Assurance Agency set out standards for degrees for police trainees
British Council grant for School of Education and partners in Malaysia to create new collaborative leaning resources
Vice-Chancellor Mark Power and CEO Faye Dyer sign MOU to work on placements, co-creation, research, volunteering and more
WHO and LJMU joint report on childhood trauma