Governor Vacancies (voluntary)
Governor Vacancies
Governor Vacancies
Now that Unitemps at Liverpool John Moores University is fully operational, this guidance for hiring manager and budget holders has been prepared between Human Resources, Finance and Student Advancement - LJMU’s careers, employability & enterprise service, within which Unitemps sits.
Find out who the partners are behind the Being Lean and Seen project. The project is based in the Liverpool Business School.
JMU Services Limited
Roles and Responsibilities
If you are an exchange student on a programme such as SOCRATES or ERASMUS, you can find out all the information you need about your accommodation.
Alan Wigelsworth began working for Elder Dempster Lines aged 15. Alan joined the company as office boy. Listen to Alan's interview.
At the Students at the Heart conference 2023, there will be a range of presentations, workshops, demos and stalls themed around the new LJMU Values of Community, Inclusivity, Community and Student Focused.
Read more about LJMU's Student Futures.