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  1. Tips for exam success

    Take a look at some valuable insights on how to prioritise self-care and smash your exams. Best of luck!

  2. Acing your exams and assessments

    How to ace your exams and assessments, tips on mastering distraction and quick study hacks, insights on how to prioritise self-care, study spots on and off campus, booking rooms, and support during the exam period.

  3. REF 2021 Consideration for Individual Circumstances

    As part of the University’s commitment to supporting equality and diversity in the forthcoming Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021), we have put in place safe and supportive structures for eligible academic staff to declare information about any equality-related circumstances that may have affected their ability to research productively during the assessment period (1 January 2014 – 31 December 2020), and particularly their ability to produce research outputs at the same rate as staff not affected by circumstances.