People - Centre for Natural Products Discovery
Meet the research staff that work within the Centre for Natural Products Discovery.
Meet the research staff that work within the Centre for Natural Products Discovery.
The Public Health Institute's expertise lies in the subject areas: drugs, tobacco, alcohol, population health, violence and unintentional injury, sexual and reproductive health, international public health, intelligence and surveillance, and the environment and sustainability.
97% of our research activity is rated world-leading or internationally excellent within RISES. Find out about our Biomechanics, Brain and Behaviour, Cardiovascular Health Sciences, Exercise Metabolism and Adaptation, Psychology and Development research groups and our exchanges: the Physical Activity Exchange and the Football Exchange.
Find out more information about knowledge exchange in higher education between the UK and Malaysia, and also between academia and industry.
The Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Research Group is concerned with the mechanisms underlying cognitive and emotional behaviour and the disruption of these processes by drugs, ageing, atypical development or disease. Find out about our expertise, collaborations, facilities, publications and learning opportunities within the group.
Study the concepts and underpinning theories associated with public health knowledge and practices and examine health inequalities and ways to reduce them
The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education has an extensive record of conducting educational research that has been influential locally, nationally and internationally.
Áine won the Individual Teaching Excellence Award at our Teaching Excellence Awards held in our Bicentenary year, recognising how she has provided amazing real-world learning experiences for students across the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, all while being an active supporter of women in STEM.
Examine core policies and strategies related to addiction from both UK and international perspectives in this CPD course.
Department of Computer Science