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  1. How is lockdown affecting our health?

    Public health experts at Liverpool John Moores University are looking into how lockdown has affected the physical and mental health of people in the North West.

  2. Staff Sharepoint migration

    IT Services has started the process of migrating all of our on-premise SharePoint and shared drives (JT2) to either Microsoft Teams or SharePoint Online.

  3. We answer your COVID-19 questions

    Liverpool John Moores University is currently locked down to protect our students, staff and wider society in the COVID-19 emergency.

  4. Connections over Croissants

    Research and Innovation Services (RIS) will be holding an informal networking breakfast event, Coffee and Croissant, at Byrom Street, LIVE Lab in the Peter Jost Building on Thursday 4th April from 8.15am – 9.30am.