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  1. LJMU relations with Nepal strengthened after researchers meet with President

    Researchers from LJMU have met with the President of Nepal, the Right honourable Bidhya Devi Bhandari, to discuss issues relating to education, gender, women's rights and social justice. Dr Sara Parker from Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Science and Rose Khatri from the Centre for Public Health recently met with the President and spoke for almost two hours.

  2. Volunteer for Claire House

    Our corporate charity Claire House is looking for volunteers on Saturday 29 February and Sunday 1 March at the welcoming of HMS Prince of Wales on the Liverpool Waterfront.

  3. Formula Student road to Silverstone explored in new 1823 Podcast

    In a special edition of the LJMU 1823 Podcast: The road to Silverstone, Dr Christian Matthews is joined by LJMU e-Racing Head of Team 2022, MSc student Cameron Reedy, and former Head of Team, Rhian Griffith, who now works as a mechanical engineer at the Small Robot Company.

  4. Admissions Policy update

    The LJMU Admissions Policy has recently undergone some minor amendments and the updated version can be found in the Policy Centre.

  5. Restrictions on using USBs

    From Monday 4 September, students will no longer be able to use USB storage devices on LJMU computers, laptops and other IT equipment.